Tuesday, 3 January 2017

International Academic Conference on Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The International Academic Conference on Electrical & Electronics Engineering or IACEEE is going to be held this year on 8th January at Nagpur. The main aim of the IACEEE conference is to bring all the latest research associated with fields such as Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics together. The experts from various fields will have an opportunity to get together and discuss the results of their research work and find out solutions of the various difficult areas. The delegates can also exchange their new ideas as well as application experiences so that they can attend to the needs of associated industries in the right manner. The conference is also going to present the delegates an opportunity to explore new research relations and develop partnerships that will help them to work on future collaborations.

The organizers of the conference are fully hopeful that the results of this conference is going to contribute greatly to the understanding and expansion of scientific knowledge while at the same time offer further assistance to the growth of related fields. Experts and delegates are currently presenting their papers for the conference which would be evaluated according to their originality and depth of research content.